California Bar Exam Lean Sheets
JULY 2024

California Bar Exam Lean Sheets
JULY 2024

California Bar Exam
Lean Sheets
JULY 2024

The Most Efficient Way to Review for the California Bar Exam.
If any of you are teetering on whether to get Lean Sheets, I HIGHLY suggest getting them! I used them right up until minutes before Day 1 of the California Bar and they were sooo helpful for memorizing! ...I passed the Bar on my first attempt, btw.
Stephanie A. - CA Bar Exam
Thomas Jefferson S.O.L.
Life savers. Thanks Lean Sheets 🙂
Philippe L. - CA Bar Exam
Cardozo School of Law
Lean Sheets are great because they're concise and cover the breadth of material you need for the exam.
I used them for last July's bar and found them extremely helpful!!!...they were super helpful for last minute recaps.
Nikki G. - CA Bar Exam
UC Berkeley School of Law
I can say that my students have only had excellent things to say about your product. Huge help especially in the final stretch.
These were my main tool (found them more helpful than Barbri or PMBR) and I passed on my first try last sitting.
Charlie W. - CA Bar Exam
George Washington S.O.L.
Worked for me as well! Passed first time July 2015 when it was still 3 days. I implemented these in the last 3-4 weeks of studying & reviewed them after each day of the exam also.
Reanne S. - CA Bar Exam
UCLA School of Law
Used these down the homestretch and passed in California on the first try...
Robert V. - CA Bar Exam
Loyola Law School
The Most Efficient Way to Review for the
California Bar Exam
"If any of you are teetering on whether to get Lean Sheets, I HIGHLY suggest getting them! I used them right up until minutes before Day 1 of the California Bar and they were sooo helpful for memorizing! ...I passed the Bar on my first attempt, btw."
Stephanie A. - CA Bar Exam
Thomas Jefferson S.O.L.
"I used them for last July's bar and found them extremely helpful!!!...they were super helpful for last minute recaps."
Nikki G. - CA Bar Exam
UC Berkeley School of Law
"These were my main tool (found them more helpful than Barbri or PMBR) and I passed on my first try last sitting."
Charlie W. - CA Bar Exam
George Washington S.O.L.
"Lean Sheets are great because they're concise and cover the breadth of material you need for the exam"
"I can say that my students have only had excellent things to say about your product. Huge help especially in the final stretch."
Tools to Maximize Your California Bar Review
1. California Bar Exam Attack Outlines
Our California bar exam outlines streamline the most important and frequently tested information into just 2-3 pages for each MBE and California bar exam subject. Based upon extensive research of past California bar exams, our CA Lean Sheets include CA distinctions where applicable, helpful mnemonics for memorization, and serve as the most efficient way to review for the California bar exam.
By focusing on what you NEED to know for the California bar exam, Lean Sheets allow you to spend more time on MBE questions and essay writing, and less time reviewing black-letter law.
The CA Package Includes Lean Sheets for all MBE and California subjects:
MBE Subjects
Civil Procedure (Fed & CA)
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law & Procedure
Evidence (Fed & CA)
Real Property
CA Subjects
CA Agency & Partnership
CA Business Associations
CA Community Property
CA Professional Responsibility
CA Remedies
CA Wills
CA Trusts
You will also receive the following charts and diagrams:
- Con Law Charts
- Evidence Charts
- Real Prop. Estates Diagram

Our California bar exam outlines streamline the most important and frequently tested information into just 2-3 pages for each MBE and California bar exam subject. Based upon extensive research of past California bar exams, our CA Lean Sheets include CA distinctions where applicable, helpful mnemonics for memorization, and serve as the most efficient way to review for the California bar exam.
By focusing on what you NEED to know for the California bar exam, Lean Sheets allow you to spend more time on MBE questions and essay writing, and less time reviewing black-letter law.
Lean Sheets include:
2. California Bar Exam Flashcards

In response to high demand, Lean Sheets has created its own Flashcards for all MBE and California Essay subjects. Our 952 CA Bar Exam Flashcards cover all of the subjects tested, and provide the essential black-letter law in an efficient and easily digestible format.
MBE Flashcards
Civil Procedure (Fed & CA)
Constitutional Law
Crim Law & Crim Pro
Evidence (Fed & CA)
Real Property
CA Essay Flashcards
CA Business Associations
CA Agency & Partnership
CA Community Property
CA Remedies
CA Prof. Responsibility
CA Wills & Estates
CA Trusts
MBE Flashcards
Civil Procedure (Fed & CA)
Constitutional Law
Crim Law & Crim Pro
Evidence (Fed & CA)
Real Property
CA Essay Flashcards
CA Business Associations
CA Agency & Partnership
CA Community Property
CA Remedies
CA Prof. Responsibility
CA Wills & Estates
CA Trusts
Over 30,000 satisfied customers!

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All Products Available for Immediate Download & Printing!
(You will not receive hard copies.)